
Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Delicious Head Fish With Red Snapper

Delicious Head Fish With Red Snapper From GOOGLE
Want to make the soup delicious and quick and nutritious too with Delicious Head Fish With Red Snapper Oh it's very simple and easy for begginer who want cooking and serve yummy dish. 
You want to try ? Please check it out this recipes Delicious Head Fish With Red Snapper.
Ingredients :
  •  2 head snapper fish (400 gr)
  •  1 teaspoon juice of lemon
  •  1.5 liter of water
  •  1 tablespoon of salt, to taste
  • 2 cm ginger, crushed
  • 1 red tomato,  cut into 4 pieces
  • 1 stalk lemon grass
  • 1 leek, slice into longshape
  • 25 gr cayenne pepper
  • 5 star fruit vegetables, cut into 1 cm round
  • 1 teaspoon juice of lemon
Spices :
  •  5 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 teaspoon buillon powder
  • salt to taste
  1. Marinate the head snapper with lemon juice and salt. Let it for 15 minutes. And rinse it again
  2. Boil water,  put all spices, ginger and lemon grass, stir overall. Then put head fish snapper into water and cook about 15-20 minutes until head snapper more tender.
  3. Add slice tomato, cayenne peppers, sleek stir all well. Season to taste with  salt and also stir in the juice of lemon. Please taste and correct the seasoning.
  4. Laddle into large soup bowl and serve.
 How very easy cooking Delicious Head Fish With Red Snapper. Just do the best for you.


4 komentar:

  1. mampir, thanks buat resepnya...

  2. 15 menit nggak kelamaan ya mak? Mungkin apinya yang kecil kali ya biar dagingnya nggak ancur

  3. Hihi begitu mak, menurut resep..iya dengan api kecil...kelupaan. Saking belepotan bahasa inggrisnya :)
